Sunday, July 12, 2009

Angels, Bringers of Light

What are angels?

There are as many answers to that question as perhaps there are angels. One can see from even a casual study of the religions of the world that as far back as we have written records, people have sensed the existance of a being that is not of this world, and yet is somehow apparent to our minds, especially in times of distress or need for guidance.

Musicians, artists, writers, and poets have sought to express how they respond to their experiences of who and what angels are. These expressions in turn have guided and even defined how those who encounter their expressions, and have become a part of our religious heritages. These have evolved over the centuries, and today's expressions both draw on the past, and attempt to explain the present, and look to the future.

It seems that whoever and whatever angels are, our understanding of who and what we are, and how we connect with our creator is influenced and nurtured by the creative soul of man. That in itself may say a lot about the nature of angels.

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